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Red Oil Painting

Mojo Box

Blessings & Luck Enhancement

A powerful combination of Oriental Blessing Candles, Western Sigil Magick and Crystal Metaphysics. This Mojo in a Box, is a potent blend of Eastern and Western metaphysical practices to effect changes in our material circumstances.


There is no mandatory interventionary divine beings or religions involved. This is pure psychological with a touch of mysticism, which is fundamentally irrational and that is its great power and solace.


With the right intention, preparation and timing, this can trigger a series of favourable events or synchronicities to our advantage. Through enchantments and preparations, we become the magician of our own lives, making the impossible possible. Success is a head game of chances and risk taking. Remember, fortune favours the brave.


Using Magick sporadically and strategically, for important events or on auspicious days can significantly increase the probability of success, improves luck, increases beneficial coincidences and synchronicities. Please use responsibly.


Instructions -  Please follow auspicious date given


Light the Candles - Candles can burn for at least 24hrs. Be safe.

Activate the Sigil  - Let the Sigil burn over flame

Carry the Crystal -  Keep it close to you

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